Media Interviews & Discussions

Apple TV’s Lincoln’s Dilemma, featuring Jelani Cobb and Kellie Carter Jackson

Continuing the Conversation: Protest & Violence in the Current Moment in a Christian Contex

The Impact Of Women On U.S. Elections: Past, Present & Future:

Dr. Kellie Carter Jackson, Assistant Professor at Wellesley College, was France 24's guest.

In her new book Force and Freedom, Kellie Carter Jackson sets out to remind readers that the black resistance was always central to abolition.

Kellie Carter Jackson Interviews with Al Velshi on MSNBC to discuss the double standard of American riots.

"Slavery, Dissent, Reconciliation: Harvard Histories" a conversation with Kellie Carter Jackson and more.

Kellie Carter Jackson, Recap Derek Chauvin Trial April 29th 

KELLIE CARTER JACKSON Al Jazeera April 12 Interview, Part 1

KELLIE CARTER JACKSON Al Jazeera April 12 Interview, Part 2

Our Stories: Policing in the United States, a Highrock Conversation

KELLIE CARTER JACKSON Al Jazeera April 8 Interview, Part 1

View more from Dr. Carter Jackson here

dr. carter jackson

Radio Interviews & Discussions

The Biden Administration's Plans to Advance Racial Equity

WNYC Studios

Police Tougher On Black Lives Matter Protesters Than On White Insurrectionists

WBEZ Chicago

The Inauguration Of Joe Biden And Its Place In History

The 1A

dr. carter jackson


A Confederate Dissident, in a Film With Footnotes read

The Pandemic and the Protests Are Mirror Images read

The New York Times: How Do You Tell the Story of Black America in One Museum? read

10 Experts on Where the George Floyd Protests Fit Into American History read

Lecciones del pasado: por qué las nuevas protestas contra el racismo son diferentes y qué consecuencias podrían tener read

The Films That Understand Why People Riot read